
Cold Symptoms

Cold Symptoms services offered in Diamond Bar, CA

Cold Symptoms

Cold symptoms like nasal congestion and coughing can be debilitating, keeping you from work and other activities. At Express Urgent Care in Diamond Bar, California, Sukhvir Singh, MD, Jaspreet Singh Nanra, MD, and Amrit Pal Dhillon, PA-C, specialize in diagnosing and treating cold symptoms. After an exam, they develop a personalized treatment plan to prevent the infection from worsening and promote recovery. Call the Los Angeles area office today to schedule treatment for cold symptoms, or book your appointment online. 

Are cold symptoms similar to COVID-19?

The common cold and COVID-19 present similar symptoms, but there are distinct differences.

Common cold

The common cold is a contagious upper respiratory illness caused by a virus. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, coughing, and a low-grade fever.


COVID-19 is an upper respiratory illness as well, but it’s usually more severe. COVID-19 takes longer to recover from and presents unique symptoms, like a loss of taste and smell. 

When should I see a doctor about cold symptoms?

Most common colds improve with rest and at-home treatments, like over-the-counter decongestants. However, you should make an appointment at Express Urgent Care if your symptoms last three days or more and occur alongside a fever of 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. That’s especially true if you have an intense sore throat, a headache, or sinus pain.

How are cold symptoms diagnosed?

Your Express Urgent Care provider asks about your symptoms and completes a physical exam. They check your ears, nose, and throat for signs of infection and order chest X-rays to check for lung problems like pneumonia. 

Your provider also collects a nose or throat swab and sends it to a nearby lab for analysis. A swab determines if your symptoms are caused by a cold, the flu, or COVID-19. This helps your provider develop a personalized treatment plan.

How are cold symptoms treated?

The Express Urgent Care team uses a conservative, patient-centered approach to treat cold symptoms. They might suggest:

  • Rest
  • Drinking plenty of fluids
  • Using a humidifier to moisten the air
  • Using saline nasal rinses
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication
  • Prescription cough syrup
  • Prescription nasal sprays

Children and adults typically benefit from a combination of several treatments. Most people recover from cold symptoms within three to seven days, but it may take longer, depending on the severity of your infection.

Is there any way to prevent cold symptoms?

There’s no way to prevent cold symptoms entirely, but there are several things you can do to reduce your risk. The Express Urgent Care team recommends washing your hands throughout the day, avoiding people who are sick, and covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.

Call Express Urgent Care today to schedule treatment for cold symptoms, or book your appointment online.